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Economics is about making efficient uses of scarce resources. This is about learning how people in their daily lives make decisions of allocating scarce amount of resources - time and budget - they possess, to meet their numerous desires.

At occasions many of you may have wished you had more income and more time. For example, during finals students wish they had more time to prepare for exams. Unfortunately, income and time are not plenty, they are scarce. But, the number of wants that one seeks to satisfy from his/her limited income or time are numerous or unlimited. The scarcity of resources, therefore, forces everyone to make choices from their long list of wants.

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Q: What is meant by economizing behavior?
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What is meant by economizing of resources?

using resources in best way and to their full capacity is known as economizing of resources

What is the definiton of economizing behavior?

Considering the costs and benefits of various alternatives and choosing the one with the greatest net benefits.

What is meant by economizing?

What people usually seem to mean is to cut costs. Putting less into a product or service in hopes of getting more out of it. There is a limit though to economizing. You can cut or control people wages for so long before they look for work elsewhere. You can find less expensive inputs into the products you make but quality eventually suffers. Economizing is fine so long as you keep it in perspective or you'll find economize can cost a lot in the end.

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The economizing problem of economics is..........?

That productive resources are scarce relative to economic wants.

What is noun of economize?

The noun forms for the verb to economize are economizer, economization, and the gerund, economizing.

What is meant by economizing resources?

The fators on which the economy depends are called the Factors of production.These factors are in fact the agents of production.They are used to assist the production of goods and services.The Factors used in the production process are called the IMPUTS and the resulting finished goods are called the OUTPUTS.The factors are divided into land,labour,capital and entrepreneurship.

What is the affix for economize?

The noun forms of the verb to economize are economizerand the gerund, economizing.