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'Torque' applies to any motor, not just to a.c. motors. It is a turning moment, defined as distance multiplied by the force acting at right-angles to the shaft.

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Q: What is meant by torque in ac machines?
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What is meant by torque?

Torque is nothing but a Twisting Moment.

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The basis of general theory and generalised equation of ac machines?

The general theory of AC machines is based on the principles of electromagnetism, which link magnetic fields and electric currents. The generalized equation for AC machines typically includes components for the electromagnetic field, stator and rotor windings, and mechanical motion. These equations are used to analyze the performance and behavior of various types of AC machines like induction motors and synchronous generators.

Why ac motors are not used in railways?

Ac motor has a low starting torque so that DC series motor used in railways cause DC motor has high starting torque

What is meant by unidirectional torque?

torque basically is wat i mean to say.itz jst a twisting movement..

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What is the difference between electromagnetic torque and load torque in electrical machines?

Electromagnetic torque and load torque are different.Electromagnetic torque is the torque that is produced inside the machine which makes the machine rotate,while load torque is the torque that is applied externally with brake drum and and spring balance.Electromagnetic torque can be varied by varying the speed of the machine,but load torque is fixed.