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Small hypo densities are seen in bilatereral para ventricular region

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Q: What is multiple small hypo densities seen in bilateral fronto-parietal subcortical and periventricular white matter?
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What is crude densities? Crude densities are measured in api gravity. Api gravity is found by placing a hydrometer in a cylinder of crude at 60 degrees Fahrenheit and reading the depth the hydrometer has sunk into the crude.

Why densities calculated in experiments may be different from accepted densities?

Purity of substance/material, measurement errors, calculation errors.

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Igneous rocks vary greatly in composition and method of formation, resulting in diverse densities.

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That depends on which form of the mineral. Some minerals have several forms, and the densities vary as the form does.

How do you calculate densities of various liquids?

The densities of all materials, including the liquids is measured in laboratories, not calculated. Tough sometimes are available empirical formulae for the calculus of density but also based on previously experimentally determined densities.