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Nasal bone, Fx-closed = Closed fracture of the nasal bone. In other words, the broken bone hasn't pierced the skin. Fx= Medical abbreviation for fracture.

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Q: What is nasal bone fx-closed?
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What is nasal fx?

Nasal bone, Fx-closed = Closed fracture of the nasal bone. In other words, the broken bone hasn't pierced the skin. Fx= Medical abbreviation for fracture.

Is the nasal bone a paired bone?

Yes. The nasal bones are paired - one on each side.

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What is the function of the middle nasal conchae?

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Which bone make up the nasal conchae?

The ethmoid and the inferior nasal chonchae.

Where is your Nasal bone located?

Your nasal bone is located in China right next to the pentagon, which resides in that little cavity in the Eiffel tower