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whos not shy and can have a great time anywhere. also to know how to have fun.

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15y ago

It mean to be friendly and sociable, an outgoing personality is a good thing sometimes. :P

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Q: What does the word outgoing mean?
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The word outgoing is an adjective.

What the word outgoing mean?

The word outgoing is a noun form, a verbal noun called a gerund; example sentence:He can be very outgoing when he isn't consumed with his work.The present participle of a verb (the -ing word) is an adjective as well as a gerund. Another noun form for outgoing is outgoingness.

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Juny is a fun an outgoing person.This person could eat a lot but stay skinny.Weird is a synonym for this word.

What is the defition of the word outgoing?

the meaning of the word outgoing is a person who is very sociable or friendly. It could also mean the process of departing or going out of a building or place "I have outgoing mail in my inbox" The mail is in the inbox and is waiting to be sent out.outgoing means being sociable, open, and friendly with others

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"I love my boyfriend because he is so outgoing and fun."

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Someone who is outgoing

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How can the word ''outgoing'' be used in a sentence?

Example: The young boy was very outgoing; however, his friend was shy and secluded.

What does introvertido mean in spanish?

introverted (NOT outgoing)