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It is a device that can be used short term externally to correct an irregular heartbeat or it can be inserted internally to control the heartbeat. It runs on batteries that have to be changed periodically through a surgical procedure.

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10y ago

Your heart has a normal pacemaker that keeps a rhythm so the four chambers beat in the right order. Some people's don't work properly and an artificial one is implanted to do the job. The sound your heart makes is the normal rhythm.

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pace maker of heart is SAN(sino auricular node) while pace setter is AVN(auriculo ventricular node).

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The sinoatrial node is also known as the pacemaker.

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Q: What is the pace maker of the heart called?
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What is the device that monitors your heart beat called?

Pace Maker

How is the pace maker involved in your heart beat?

The pace maker uses electrical impulses to regulate heart rate. It is used when the bodies own impulses from the brain are not able to do the job anymore.

The natural pace maker of the heart is called?

The natural pacemaker of the heart is called the sinus node. This is made up of a cluster of cells that are in the upper right part of the wall of the right atrium.

What kind of inventions were made in 2000?

the pace maker the heart transplant dolly the sheep

What does a pace maker adjust the heart rate to correspond with in the body?

it adjusts the heart rate to correspond to the body's need for oxygen

How does control of the heart beat occur?

the Sino Atrial Node (SA Node) is the pace maker of the heart that receives singles from the brain.

Which machine is fitted in a person whose heart does not beat normally?

It is an electronic device known as a pace-maker.

What causes the beating of you heart?

Specialized heart muscle cells in the sino-atrial (SA) node which is located in the right atrium. These serve as the heart's "pace maker".

How do sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves affect a pacemaker?

Sympathetic nerve stimulate the pace maker. So that heart rate increases. Parasympathetic stimulation decreases the heart rate.

What part of the heart controls the beats?

I believe it is called the Pace maker (not sure if it's one word or two). From what I it emits an electric pulse down the center of the heart, or septum, and causes the heart to contract. I do not believe it has a direct connection to the brain, but it may. I'm not entirely sure about any of this.

What was before the pacemaker?

nothing that's why they made a pace maker well they did have a machine you were hooked up to and if your heart stoped it shocked you i don't know what its though

Who discoved pace maker?

John Hopps, a Canadian, invented the first heart pacemaker. At the age of 21, He was able to build the first pacemaker in 1950.