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Panaritium, also known as a paronychia, is an infection of the skin around a fingernail or toenail. It can be caused by bacteria or fungi entering the skin through a cut or a hangnail. Symptoms include redness, swelling, pain, and pus-filled blisters. Treatment typically involves warm water soaks, antibiotics, and in some cases, drainage of pus.

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14y ago

Panaritium - an acute purulent inflammation of tissues of a finger of an arm.

Panaritium dermal - a clump of pus under a false skin knifes in the form of the limited bubble.

Paronychias - an inflammation about the nail platen with reddening and an edema, a painful syndrome of various intensity.

The panaritium to a hyponychial thicket is caused by the alien subjects which have got under a fingernail, a pyesis of hyponychial hematomas.

Panaritium hypodermic - the most frequent form of a purulent lesion of a finger. Characteristic signs - a pain, an erubescence, an edema, infiltration, sharp intensifying hurt at a flexion of a finger. More often inflammatory process is localized on a nail phalanx.

Panaritium articulate - a pyesis of an articulate bag of an interfalangeal joint. The sharp painful syndrome, a heat are characteristic.

The panaritium osteal to a thicket is localized on a nail phalanx, usually grows out bad treatment of a hypodermic panaritium.

panaritim includes the different types of acute inflammatory and purulent diseases of the finger there are
cutaneous & subcutaneous
1) cutaneous are
2)subcutaneous are

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