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When the pope speaks ex cathedra (from the chair) on matters of faith and morals his words are without error and become part of Catholic doctrine. Except for declaring saints, the infallibility issue has only been used twice - when the pope declared the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception of Mary and when he declared the Assumption of Mary. It is only used after the subject has been studied for many years and only after consultation with all the bishops.

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Q: What is papal infallibilty?
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It is said that a Pope has infallibility.

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If you go on and type in infallibility an example will come up also.

Do you agree with the doctrine of the church about papal infallibility?

The fact that the doctrine of papal infallibilty only became official church teaching in 1870 after much heated debate and at a time when papal power and authority over the Church was at its height speaks for itself. There are also those who say it is a logical impossibilty for how does the pope know when he is infallible and when he is not. Since papal infalliblity is of such recent origin it is also obvious that the pope does not need to be infallible to carry out his mandate as it is promulgated in Scripture. (See question "What is the pope's role?) It would also appear that Scripture in the New Covenant contradicts the necessity for papal infallibily because the New Covenant specifically says that God (alone) puts His law within us and writes it on our hearts. So we have no need for an intermediary in this regard.

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Papal such as the papal vestments, the papal apartments, etc..

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