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Q: What form of energy is passed along from organism to organism in a food chain?
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What is passed along the food chain?


What is passed along a food chain?


How much energy is transferred from one organism to the next in a food chain or a food web?

10 percent of the suns energy is passed down from each organism. it is passed down by an organism eating another.

How does energy flow through food chains in the rock pool?

Energy and nutrients are passed from organism to organism, through the food chain as one organism, eats another.

What gets passed through an ecosystem along a food chain?


Where does the electron transport chain get high energy electrons that are passed down the chains?

High-energy electrons from NADH and FADH2 are passed along the electron transport chain

High-energy electrons from NADH and FADH2 are passed into and along the?

Electron Transport Chain

How is energy passed from one organism to the next?

the energy value decreases because it's used by the organism in order to survive before it can be passed on It depends on what kind of energy. Kenetic energy will transfer from organism to another in the same way any other object transfers its motion energy. Spiritual energy can be transfered to the second organism, and yet, be retained by the first. The same can be said for emotional energy. By jack phillips

Is about half the energy from one level transferred to the next?

No, only about 10-20% of an organism's energy is passed on to the next level of the food chain.

Explain how energy is transferred through a food chain?

Energy is transferred through a food chain when an organism eats another organism. As the food chain progresses, less energy is available when an organism is consumed.

How is the sun's energy passed along in an ecosystem?

The Sun's help from the sunlight helps the plants grow up

Describe a food chain of which you are a member?

the energy stored by orducers can be passed through an acosystem along a food chain, a series of steps in which organisms transfer energy by eating and being eaten.