

What is present in Metaphase?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is present in Metaphase?
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Which phase is known as the organization phase in mitosis?


What phase are the chromosomes lined up on the equatorial plate?

This is the metaphase.

What are the phases present in mitosis?

Interphase (commonly not used but still important to mitosis), prophase, prometaphase (sometimes not used, but in higher education it is used because metaphase is so long), metaphase, anaphase, telophase/cytokinesis.

In human cell undergoing mitosis how many chromosomes are present in prophase in metaphase in telophase?

A human has 46 chromosomes

In which phase does the nuclear envelope disappear?

In the Prophase. Nuclear envelope and nucleolus disappears.

How many centrioles are present during metaphase?

Each centriole has nine microtubule triplets.

Which phase of mitosis is where the chromosomes are located at the equator of the cell?

Metaphase is the third phase of mitosis, when the chromosomes line up at the equator of the cell.

What phase do chromosomes line up?

During metaphase.A trick is to remember: "M for metaphase, M for the middle of the cell". This is to remind you that at metaphase the centromeres of the chromosomes are aligned in the plane of the equator.

What is is the difference between metaphase 1 and 2?

Metaphase 1 The chromosomes line up on the equatorial (metaphase) plate. Metaphase 2 Kinetochores of the paired chromatids.

Homologous chromosomes pair and undergo crossing over during?

Paired homologous chromosomes are found at the spindle equator during metaphase. During metaphase the chromosomes line up on the plate and attach to the fully formed spindle.

When do chromosomes align on a metaphase plate?

pair of tetrads facing opposite poles

During what phase of meiosis do replicated homologous chromosomes line up next to each other at the cell's equator-?

It is during the anaphase of meiosis that the replicated homologous chromosomes line up next to each other at the cell's equator.