

What is recursing?

Updated: 11/29/2022
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13y ago

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  • Recursion in computer science is a way of 'Thinking About' and then 'Solving' problems.
How does it look in reality when programmed:int func1(int input1)


if(base condition)


return some finite value.




return func1(input2) //Function calls itself.



So, to design a solution(algorithm) to any problem in such a way that one function is having a call to itself inside a body and problem is reduced in each successive self calls to that limit that we reach base condition that returns some result(finite value) and no further recursive calls are made further. This makes a recursive solution and this way of solving the problem is called 'Recursion'. Examples of recursive problems:1.Check given string is a palindrome. E.g. 'RACECAR'.

2.Factorial of number.

3.Calculating nth term of 'Fibonnaci' series. E.g. if n = 4. Then series is 0,1,1,2,3

4.Binary Search

5.Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) calculation. Palindrome Recursive Algorithmstatic int depth; //GLOBAL CLASS VARIABLE

public bool IsPalindrome(string PalindromeString)



if (depth PalindromeString[PalindromeString.Length - 1])//STANDARD - STOP CONDITION BASED ON CURRENT DATA MANIPULATION


//last result is propogated to last uppermost level of depth = 1 without modification. At last depth we are at the result as the we have already reduced the problem so that last level result becomes the original result.

//string is palindrome if current first and last characters are equal and substring left after taking first and last character is a palindrome.

PalindromeString = PalindromeString.Substring(1, PalindromeString.Length - 2);//STANDARD DATA MANIPULATION CONDITION IN FORM OF f(n) processing done on data = same processing done on f(n-1) * some post processing.




return false;



Happy Programming :-)

Himanshu Singh

-noun Mathematics, Computers .

the process of defining a function or calculating a number by the repeated application of an algorithm.

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11y ago

In computer programming, a function can call another function. If a function calls itself, it is said to be recursive. Doing this correctly can it quite simple to solve certain problems, that otherwise look very complicated.

In math, a function is defined as recursive when it is defined in terms of itself. For example, the factorial of a number is the product of all numbers up to this number. Thus, the factorial of 4, written 4!, is equal to 1 x 2 x 3 x 4. A common definition for this function is as follows: 0! = 1, for all numbers "n" greater than zero, n! = n x (n-1)! For example, the factorial of 4 (which is 4 x 3 x 2 x 1) is equal to 4 times the factorial of 3 (which is 3 x 2 x 1).

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12y ago

Assuming you mean "recursion", recursion is a function calling itself.

A good example of when you would use recursion is for a directory walker. You would call the function, passing it a directory path. The function would call itself for all the directories in the directory you passed in. It would then do whatever processing it needed to on all the files in the directory.

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