

What is released when cement is mixed with water?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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It makes a wet-like gray liquid that is similar to cement but it's actually like a wet type of cement.

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Q: What is released when cement is mixed with water?
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Is wet cement Corrosive?

yes, cement when mixed with water is corrosive.

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Is it possible to reverse when cement is mixed with water?

I dont think so . because water is totally bind together with the cement and because of water the cement can be transform into something solid .

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Cement paste is formed when cement is mixed with water. However, cement mortar is formed when cement is mixed with fine aggregate (sand) and water.The strength of cement mortar is more when compared to cement paste.Shrinkage will be less in cement mortar and high in cement paste.

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Cement paste is formed when cement is mixed with water. However, cement mortar is formed when cement is mixed with fine aggregate (sand) and water.The strength of cement mortar is more when compared to cement paste.Shrinkage will be less in cement mortar and high in cement paste.

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Yes, cement is a homogenous mixture.It contains various compounds.It gets hardened when mixed with water.

What is mixed with limestone to make cement?

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