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They are a type of antigen that some people carry on their red blood cells. They are called "rhesus" because they were initially identified and studied on the red blood cells of rhesus monkeys, then were later also found in humans. If a person has Rh+ blood type they have this antigen, if a person has Rh- blood type they do not.

They are important in blood transfusions in that a person with Rh+ blood type can receive either Rh+ or Rh- blood with no problems, but a person with Rh- blood type can only receive Rh- blood (Rh+ blood could kill him when antibodies from his immune system attack the rhesus antigen, causing massive blood clotting).

They are important in pregnancy in that a woman with Rh- blood type has a much higher chance of miscarriage if her baby has Rh+ blood type.

Note: there are roughly 30 different classes of blood type antigens, not just the familiar A, B, and Rh antigens. Most however are very rare.

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Q: What are Rh antigens?
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