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Saturated solution is a solution that did dissolve to the maximum capacity.

Unsaturated solution is a solution that didn't dissolve to the maximum capacity.

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Q: What is saturated solution and unsaturated solution?
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How does a graph show a saturated solution and a unsaturated solution?

A graph can illustrate what solution is saturated and unsaturated. If the point is on the line, then the solution is saturated, while if is below the line, the solution is unsaturated.

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From your question it is impossible to tell. A salt-water solution can be unsaturated or saturated depending on how much salt was added.

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saturated and unsaturated solution

When a solvent can dissolve no more of a solid solute at a specific temperature we say the solution is?

The solution is said to be unsaturated. If the max amount is dissolved at a given temperature, then the solution is saturated.

What is the difference between unsaturated and saturated solution?

Hmmm........... their is a primary difference between saturated and non saturated solution i.e the saturated solution has no more tendencey or capacity to dissolve some more solute while unsaturated solution can dissolve more solute to extent it become saturated.............Ajwa

When you can say a solution is saturated or unsaturated?

ambot lng ..!!

What are the two main solution traits?

unsaturated and saturated

What are two main solution traits?

unsaturated and saturated

What the different between saturated solution and unsaturated solution?

An unsaturated solution has excess solvent and can still dissolve more solute.A saturated solution cannot dissolve any more solute, it will simply stay separate.

What are the types of concentration of solution?

saturated,,,,, unsaturated,,,, supersaturated,,,,, .............................khrixlie.........

A solution that contains the maximum amount of solute is a unsaturated solution?

A solution that contains the maximum amount of solute is NOT an unsaturated solution.It is called to be saturated instead.