

What is semen where is it released?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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Its a secretion produced by the testosterone and released by penis during ejaculation

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Q: What is semen where is it released?
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Where the semen was released into the female?

The semen is released into the vagina, while the egg is reaching the lining of the uterus, the sperm penetrates the egg.

What happens when i released more semen in young age?

When more semen is released in younger age then pimples starts comming out from the face

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Semen and sperm

What is the fluids?

Males have semen and sperm the sperm are the cells responsible for reproduction and semen is the material that caries it through the penis into the vagina. some semen may sometimes be released prior to the ejaculation.

How much ejaculation is normal for a man?

Semen is released during ejaculation and the normal semen volume ranges from 2 to 5ml per ejaculate.

What is the name of the fluid produced by the male which sperm swim in?

Semen is the term for the mixture of fluid and sperm

What is a semen?

Semen is the liquid that contains spermatozoid. It is also call spem. Sperm is produce by most male living beings. Semen is a mixture of sperm cells and fluids released by men during sexual activity.

How you can recover released semen by food which food should be eaten?

by licking stuff

Is it possible to be pregnant when semen released by man but woman could not release?


Can a person conceive if semen is not directly released into the body?

Yes, A sperm can swim really good.

In the male reproductive system what is semen?

The fluid that contains sperm cells and is released from the penis during ejaculation

What is the milky colored secreted from the prostate gland?

It is an Alkaline fluid that is released in the semen to resist the acidity of the vagina