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Tomas and LITA is similar. Lara atl ktgk gahbvk la latea

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Q: What is similar about a Zebra and a Starfish?
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Does a zebra have a bones or not?

A zebra has a similar bone structure to a horse.

What animal is similar to a zebra?

the animal that is similar to a zebra is a horses but the only kind is a wild horse

What is a zebra finch?

A zebra finch is a small Australian weaverbird, Latin name Taeniopygia guttata, which has markings similar to a zebra.

Is the Quagga a zebera?

the quagga was part of the zebra family and it was v similar to the zebra. But there extinct now! :)

Why are starfish considered to be most similar to the chordates?


Do other animal have similar adaptations as a zebra?

why yes

How are a donkey and a zebra the same?

A donkey and a zebra are both grazing mammals, with a generally similar body structure and size.

How are zebra and plankton similar?

look like yo ma

Is a African horse similar to a zebra?

no i dont think so

How are ecological roles of a caribou and a zebra similar?

I don’t know

How do starfish crawl?

The humble starfish (Asterias Forbesii) does not have a regular migratory route. It does however, floop. Where 'flooping' is the action of large numbers of starfish travelling along a similar path. The humble starfish (Asterias Forbesii) does not have a regular migratory route. It does however, floop. Where 'flooping' is the action of large numbers of starfish travelling along a similar path.

Why does zebra need a striped skin?

Zebra stripes are a form of camouflage. It makes it easier for them to blend into a background where there are trees or bushes that create similar patterns.