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I would imagine this being a tree-hugger.

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Q: What is someone called who marries a tree?
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A person who marries multiple spouses is known as a polygamist.

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Which relation are you if your sister marries someone else's brother?

If your sister marries someone else's brother, that brother is your brother-in-law (and you are his brother-in-law or sister-in-law), but you are not related to that someone else.

What is the study of tree's age?

Someone who studies the age of a tree by the rings on the inside is called a dendrochronologist

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When a male of legal age marries another male of legal age, it is called a marriage.

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Harry Potter marries Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley marries Hermoine Granger, Draco Malfoy marries Astoria Greengrass, Bill Weasley marries Fleur Delacour, George Weasley marries Angelina Johnson, and Percy Weasley marries someone named Audrey.

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if you don't marry luke on tree of tranquility,he doesn't get married,but on animal parade he marries selena

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What is the verb of marriage?

The verb or marriage is marry.Other verbs are marries and married, depending on tense.Some examples are:"I will marry you"."He marries her"."I married her".

If someone marries a illegal immigrant for money will they go to jail?

no no WHAT DO YOU THINK??!?!?!

Can you catch someone out if the ball was stuck in a tree and you get it down?

nope. if the ball was stuck in a tree it would be called a dead ball.

What is the final chapter when inuyasha marries kagome called?

It's called 'Tommorow'.