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malaria is a potentially fatal blood disease caused by a parasite that is transmitted to human and animal hosts by the Anopheles mosquito. The human parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, is dangerous not only be cause it digests the red blood cell's hemoglobin, but also because it changes the adhesive properties of the cell it inhabits. This change in turn causes the cell to stick to the walls of blood vessels. It becomes especially dangerous when the infected blood cells stick to the capillaries in the brain, obstructing blood flow, a condition called cerebral malaria. Scientists using the x-ray microscope are hoping to learn more about the how the parasite infects and disrupts the blood cells and the blood vessels of an infected host.

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11y ago
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11y ago

Malaria is caused by a parasite referred to as Plasmodium, that is transmitted via the bites of infected mosquitoes. within the shape, the parasites multiply within the liver, then infect red blood cells. Usually, individuals get protozoal infection by being bitten by associate infective feminine Anopheles dipteran. solely Anopheles mosquitoes will transmit protozoal infection and that they should are infected through a previous provender taken on associate infected person. once a dipteran bites associate infected person, atiny low quantity of blood is taken during which contains microscopic protozoal infection parasites. regarding one week later, once the dipteran takes its next provender, these parasites combine with the mosquito's spittle and ar injected into the person being bitten.

Because the Plasmodium vivax is found in red blood cells of associate infected person, protozoal infection may be transmitted through transfusion, transplantation, or the shared use of needles or syringes contaminated with blood. protozoal infection may additionally be transmitted from a mother to her unborn babe before or throughout delivery ("congenital" malaria).

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12y ago

Malaria is a mosquito-born infectious disease. It kills around 800,000 people every year.

Recent findings have shown that malaria contains chloroplasts - which are typically only found in plant cells, opening up the possibility of targeting the plasmodium with herbicides - which would kill the malaria, but not the host. This makes malaria quite unique.

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12y ago

Because malaria is a parasite which uses the human body to live and reproduce itself, which tends to damage the body, and lead to things like comas.

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It can kill you!

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