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Spontenaiety is when things are done which are unplanned, just made up on the spur of the moment. A spontaneous remark is one you just made up. Spontaneous combustion is when stuff sets itself on fire. A spontaneous person is an impetuous person who does not make plans and relies on serendipity.

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12y ago
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12y ago

Spontaneity is the way do things withut thinking about it. Such as breathing. When you were just breathing a second ago did u tell yourself in, out, in, out, in, out, in, out? I'm positive you didn't. Just like that breathing just comes to you narturally. It's just something that you do spontaneously. Another example would be dreaming. When you go to bed do you say to yourself, "ok, i'm going to go to sleep. When i'm sleeping i'm going to dream about my crush on Judy Moody"? It's most likely that you didn't. A more physical example of something is when a ball goes doen a hill. Say you put a ball on the top of a hill. You run back down to the bottom of a hill and look up. Suddenly the wind starts to blow. The ball doesn't have a memory chip inside of it, usually, saying "when the wind blows or when someone pushes/kicks me i will move." So the ball coming down the hill is spontaneous. The ball doesn't think about going down the hill. Just like you don't think about breathing or dreaming.

Hope this helps :D

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