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"Dear Heavenly Father:

Please give me your guidance and wisdom throughout the day, please let me do well, and I trust in Your infinite wisdom to help me throughout class.


"Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for helping me through class. You are truly wonderful, and I know you love me, and I love you.


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14y ago

it is a prayer for a particular person. :)

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Q: When do you usually pray spontaneous prayer?
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A snakes pray is the Lord's Prayer, usually!

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Does every religion have prayer?

Christians usually pray out loud and sometimes pray in groups. I think a lot of the people that pray, pray prayers of care to God with love in their heart.

What is the spiritual sense of the Lord's Prayer?

The Lords Prayer is an example of how to pray, not what to pray. Of course we can pray it, but that wasn't His point.

Why do Buddhist people pray?

Prayer is not something the Buddha encouraged. If Buddhists pray it is a personal choice to do so.Answer:Buddhists do not pray. Prayer requires something (a deity) to pray to. Buddhists have no deity which impacts their lives, so prayer would be pointless.

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The prayer where you pray for your personal intensions is the 'prayer of the faithful'.

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a prayer is a prayer just pray for the homeless and pray that they land a job get food and shelter ask god for help and they will be helped

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Muslims pray five times aday, Dawn prayer "Alfajr" Noon prayer "Azzuhr" Afternoon prayer "Alasr" Evening prayer "Almaghrib" Night prayer "Aleshaa"

Is the word pray a noun?

No. "Pray" is a verb. The noun is prayer.

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What prayer did Jesus teach us to pray?

Yes he did. He taught us how to pray and to tell God to forgive our sins. :D

What is the prayer before a meal?

Many people say a short prayer before eating their meals. These prayers are often called a blessing or grace. Some of them are poems that are recited, while others are spontaneous prayers of thanks.