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decomposition of original band into no. of another bands within original bandwidth limit. it used for compression of speech and image signals.

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Q: What is subband decomposition?
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sub images. This process can be continued until the desired subband structure is obtained. Three popular structures are shown in Figure 15.12. In the structure in Figure 15.12a, the LL sub image has been decomposed after each decomposition

What is the difference between electronic band and subband in solid state physics?

When energy is quantized, each of the levels corresponds to one band. But each level can depend upon the total velocity or position. If one energy level depends on each of coordinates, each coordinate can give a contribution to the total energy. This represents a subband.

Where is decomposition in the forest?

rotting Or decomposition

What is a breakdown of substances into simpler molecules called?


What is it when a compound breaks apart into separate substance?

It's called Decomposition. For example, 2KClO3 --> 2KCl + 3O2

What are examples decomposition?

the examples of decomposition is sugar

What is the decomposition reaction of Al2O3.3H20?

decomposition of Al2O3

What is an edible decomposition reaction?

Digestion of foods involve decomposition reactions, for example decomposition of starch.

what do we call the chemical reaction that uses an electrical current to decompose a compound?

electrolytic decomposition reaction.

Thermal decomposition and decomposition temperature-is it refer to the same things?

Thermal decomposition is the process by which chemical bonds are broken in the presence of heat. Decomposition temperature is the temperature at which thermal decomposition occurs, which differs for different compounds.

Why is decomposition vital in ecosystems?

Decomposition recycles nutrients.

Why is bacterial decomposition important?

why bacterial decomposition is important