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Main Entry:perceptionPart of Speech:nounDefinition:understanding, ideaSynonyms:acumen, apprehending, apprehension, approach, attention, attitude, awareness, big idea, brain wave, brainchild, conceit, concept, conception, consciousness, discernment, feeling, flash, grasp, image, impression, insight, intellection, judgment, knowledge, light, notion, observation, opinion, perspicacity, picture, plan, realizing, recognition, sagacity, sensation, sense, study, thought, viewpoint

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Q: What is synonym for perception?
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What is the process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment?

Perception is how you interpret the world around you and make sense of it in your brain.

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What is an anorthoscopic perception?

An anorthoscopic perception is a form of perception which does not immediately follow from what is actually sensed, such as perception of an entire object which is gradually revealed.

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numeric perception is a value of perception to the numeric value

Do you say perceptions on or perceptions of. In an educational context. For example Teachers perceptions on the aims of education... Teachers perceptions of education...?

We have perceptions of something, not on it. But note: perception is not a synonym for opinion or belief. It means "the manner in which a thing is viewed or felt."

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illusory perception

How do you write word perception in french?


What are the psychological influences on perception?

Your background can influence your perception. The upbringing you had, the experiences you have gone through, and the things you know will all influence the perception.

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What is the synonym of interpretation?

There are many synonyms, here is a list from : analysis, apprehension, assimilation, awareness, clarification, comprehension, discernment, explanation, grasp, grip, insight, judgment, knowing, meaning, perception, reading, slant, translation