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A human because we crawl when we are born (which counts as 4)

We walk on 2 legs

When we get older (old) some of us will use a cane (so that counts as 3)

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Q: What is the Answer to this Riddle Born with 4 legs Grows up with 2 legs Dies with 3 Legs?
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What animal on earth is born without any legs gets two legs when its young gets three legs when it gets old gets six legs when it gets very old and then dies without any legs?

A human :- when its young it has two legs; when its old it has 3 legs because of an additional walking stick.. when its realy old it has 6 legs because of the walking stick with four feet or a walking stand with four legs; then it dies without any legs becaue it loses control and energy of its leg.... :) riddle eh?

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"What has four legs but can't walk?" is the only riddle with table as an answer.

Riddle you this and riddle that tell what is what first you walk on 4 legs then on two then on three who am you?

The answer is a human. Walking on four legs represents a human as a baby when you crawl on your hands and knees, two legs is a human as an adult and three legs is a human as an elder (both of your legs and a walking stick). -rolls eyes and sighs- everyone knows this riddle!!!

In Oedipus the king what is the riddle of the Sphinx?

The "riddle of the Sphinx" is: What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the middle of the day, and three at night?

What is the answer to the riddle of the sphinx?

The riddle of the sphinx is: what walks on 4 legs in the morning, 2 in the afternoon, and3 in the evening? The answer is MAN - Walks on 4 legs as an infant 2 legs as an adult and 2 legs + a cane in the elderly years.

What riddle did Oedipus solve?

The riddle of the Sphinx which goes as follows:What goes on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and on three legs in the evening?Oedipus was able to answer the question correctly: Man.

Help find the answer to the riddle of the sphinx?

There is no riddle of the Sphinx, the question/ riddle is what walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at midday and three legs in the evening. the answer would be a human. as in the morning of someones life they are a baby or toddler, so they would crawl on four legs, at midday it refers to an adult ( who walks on two legs ) while in the evening the human is old and uses a walking stick ( equals three legs ) . ------- There IS a riddle of the Sphinx. Created in Oedipus when Oedipus needed to get to Thebes, he came across a Sphinx blocking his path who asked him this riddle. He gave the correct answer and went on.

What is the riddle of the Spinx?

What walks on three legs in the afternoon? Answer: Man walks on 4 legs in morning, as in a baby crawling, two legs in afternoon, as adult, and three at night, as a man with a cane

What riddle does Oedipus solve?

The riddle he solves was what walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon and walks on 3 legs in the evening? The answer was a human. 94 legs while crawling as a baby; 2 legs middle aged; and 3 legs while old (leaning on a cane).

What is the Greek monster with the famous riddle?

The Sphinx (with the head of a woman, body of a lioness, and serpent as a tail) asked the famous riddle, "What walks with four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening". If a brave man (or woman) answered wrong the Sphinx would kill and eat them. The answer was "man". Why? Because it describes the stages of life. A man crawls when he is a baby, walks as a grown man, and uses a cane when he grows old. ( Hence the 4 legs, 2 legs, then 3 legs.)

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Where does the frog's tail go when it grows?

the tail grows into the legs.