

What are sphinx cats?

Updated: 8/23/2023
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14y ago

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Sphinx cats are cats with no fur which were specially breeded in 1966

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13y ago

The Egyptian Sphynx is an EXTREMELY large monument that guards the Pyramids of Giza. It has the body of a lion and the head of one of the pharaohs

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Are Sphinx and Abyssinian cats related?

All cats are related because they descend from the same feline.

What is a famous building in Egypt?

The Sphinx it idealises their worshipping of cats

What do sphinx cats eat?

Same thing as any other cat eats.

Why was the sphinx constructed?

It was made to hail the god of the cats. I dont remember her/his name.

How was the sphinx related with Egypt religion?

It was a cat and cats used to be Egyptian gods

Who thinks sphinx cats are cute?

I think sphinx cats are adorable. I also feel bad that some people say that they are ugly. That is exactly like saying a woman who has cancer who lost all her hair is ugly. I think both all beautiful

How much are bald cats worth?

If you mean a Sphinx, then kittens are usually worth around $1,500.

Can long haired cats be given a haircut?

Yes, then it would be a bald cat like a sphinx.

How many kittens in a litter from a sphinx cat?

Not all sphinx cats are in fact hairless. If you are looking for a hairless sphinx cat, it is possible to have one or two in a said litter. When the cat gives birth the average number of kittens is 5-7.

Does a sphinx cat get along with kids?

This depends on how good natured it is. some sphinx cats are very kind hearted and gentle while some are shy an will only come out of hiding at dinner time

What cat breeds are non shedding?

Sphinx cat (bald cats) are the only animals I could think of that wouldn't shed ANY hair at all.

How much is a kohana cat?

Kohana cats are extremely rare and you probably won't find them for sale. Other hairless cats such as Sphinx and Peterbalds can cost as much as $2,500.