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2-8-8 or 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6

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Q: What is the Electron Orbital Pattern of argon?
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Why does helium has a higher first ionization energy than argon?

The ionisation energy depends on the orbital from which the electron is removed and also the distance of the orbital from the nucleus. In the case of Helium, the electron is removed from 1s orbital whereas in the case of argon it is from 3p orbital. As 1s is closer to the nucleus, the force of attraction experience by these electrons is higher and hence helium will have higher 1st ionisation energy.

What is the Electron Orbital Pattern of boron?

1s2 2s2 3p4 3d1

Electron configuration of 2.8.8?

I assume you mean that orbital 1 has 2 electrons, orbital 2 has 8 and orbital 3 has 8. The electron configuration of this is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 (2+2+6+2+6=18) 18 is the atomic number of 18Ar or Argon.

How many unpaired electrons does K have?

There is merely one unpaired electron in Potassium. The electron configuration of potassium is [Ar]4s^1. This means that potassium has all the electrons of argon, plus one more in the 4s orbital. All the electrons of argon are paired, so the one electron in the 4s orbital is the only unpaired electron.

Which electron is on average further from the nucleus an electron in a 3p orbital or an electron in a 4p orbital?

An electron in a 2s orbital is on average closer to the nucleus.

What is the orbital notation for Argon?


What information does the third quantum number of electron give?

The specific orbital the electron is in

What does electron orbital describe?

An electron orbital describes the most probable region that an electron occupies outside the nucleus

What is an orbital in science?

Orbital describes space where electron is found. it provides probability for the presence of electron.

What is penetration effect?

Electron in s-orbital is closer to nucleus than electron in p-orbital and electron in p-orbital is closer to nucleus than electron in d-orbital and so on. So,more energy is requried to remove electron from s-orbital than electron in p-orbital in spite of both having same principal quantum number. Similarly, p orbital will require more energy than d-orbital. this is called penetrating effect. it decreases in order s>p>d>f>... Note that Orbital should have same "n"

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From which orbital in a lithium atom is an electron transferred to make a positive ion?

An electron is lost from the 2s orbital