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Q: What is the Greek word for create?
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Greek word for create?

The Greek word is Tunava.

What is the greek translation for the word create?

Δημιουργώ [dimioorgO]

What does the Greek word form mean?

To make or create something

What does -plasm translate to in Greek or Latin?

If you mean -plasm from the word for example "protoplasm" comes from the ancient Greek verb "πλάττω" or "πλάθω" means, I create, I construct, I imagine something.

What is the greek word for egg?

the greek word for egg is: avgo

What does the Greek word Poem mean?

poem < &pi;&omicron;&#943;&eta;&mu;&alpha; [poeema/peeeema] = a creation, a piece of work (< &pi;&omicron;&iota;&#941;&omega;/&pi;&omicron;&iota;&#974; = I create, I do, I make)

Why was hydrogen named hydrogen?

In Greek, Hydro means "water", and Gen means "create." So hydrogen means "water-making." And it takes 2 hydrogen atoms combined with an Oxygen atom to create water.

What is the Greek for create?

because they ran out of creates by Matt ************* The greek verb for create is "&delta;&eta;&mu;&iota;&omicron;&upsilon;&rho;&gamma;&#974;" (dee-mee-u-rgho)

What is the Greek word for turtle?

The greek word for animal is zodiac. The greek word for turtle is still unknown.

What is the Greek word for golf?

There is no Greek word for golf. We use the word ''golf'' or in Greek letters ''&Gamma;&kappa;&#972;&lambda;&phi;''.

What is the word for jeans in Greek?

There is no word for jeans in Greek. We use the word ''jeans'' or in Greek letters &tau;&zeta;&#943;&nu;&sigmaf;.

What is the Greek word fro psychology?

Psychology is a a Greek word. Greek : &psi;&upsilon;&chi;&omicron;&lambda;&omicron;&gamma;&#943;&alpha;