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style="background-image: url('image.jpg')"


<body style="background-image: url('background.jpg')">

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Q: What is the HTML command used to display an image in background?
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How do you display an image on the homepage only using CSS or HTML?

HTML only can be used to display an image on homepage. Image SRC tag can be used to publish it.

How can you insert an image as a background if it is stored anywhere in the system?

You can display an image with HTML as long as you know the location of the image. You use the image tag like this: &lt;img src="...\anywhere\image.jpg" width="100" height="100" alt="My Image" /&gt;.

What is the correct CSS for adding a background image to a page?

Use the attribute BGCOLOR=".." inside the start Body tag using the color you want as the value. It should look like this: this will give you a black background, and at the end of your HTML document you close the Body Of cause if you use a black background you cannot use black font. You won't be able to see it. You can set the value=".." of the background to what ever you like.

What is the HTML command used to insert and display images is the?

What is the correct HTML for inserting a background image?

< body background = " background.gif">

What will be the HTML syntax of the image after copying it to a CD?

An image does not have an HTML syntax. If you copy an image from a Webpage, you save just the image file (e.g. image.jpg). You do not save any of the HTML code used to tell the browser where to locate the image to display on the page.

How do you put an image background on websites?

Here's the HTML tag: &lt;body background="yourimage.gif"&gt; or &lt;body background="yourimage.jpg"&gt;

How do you insert picture from desktop to HTML page?

You don't actually insert an image into an HTML page. An HTML page can display an image from any location where the browser has access to the file. Let us assume that the image you want to display on your HTML page is image.jpg. You use the tag to tell the browser to display your image. The person looking at your HTML page needs to be able to access the file on your desktop. You normally would upload your image to the Web server, so the visiting browser can see your image. If the image is on your desktop and the browser has access to your desktop content, here is the code you would use to display your image on the Web page:

Put a picture in the background of a webpage using HTML?

Change the &lt;body&gt; tag to &lt;body style="background-image: image.jpg"&gt;. Replace image.jpg with your image.

Why the image not come sometime in HTML?

sometimes if the system does not support image formats like GIF,JPEG,PNG... then the HTML will not display the image.and also if the image is developed using flash player then system must support flash player. sometimes if the location of image source is not correct means then image will not display.

How do you make a skull on HTML?

HTML is a language that the browser understands to display a document (page) You cannot create a skull using HTML. If you want to create a skull you need a program like Paint Shop or any image editor. You can place a picture of a skull on the page using the following HTML. Using HTML to display images you use the &lt;img&gt; tag. To display an image on a page, you need to use the (source attribute) src= The value of the src attribute is the URL of the image (skull) you want to display on your page which means that the image you want to display must be uploaded to a server, and have a web address (URL). The URL for the image points to the location where the image is stored on the server. It should look like this: &lt;img src=""&gt; Broken down it means &lt; img source = the address (URL) of the image is located / (for the name of the image) skull.jpg&gt;

What is a HTML code for a background on tinierme?

If for an image: &lt;body background="images/background.jpg"&gt; or if for a color: &lt;body bgcolor="#000000"&gt;