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The Latin word or prefix for "after" (in time) is "post-," such as when used in the word postoperative, meaning after surgery. The Latin medical abbreviation used most often to mean "after", is the lower case letter "p" with a short horizontal line, or dash, over the top of it. The opposite is the prefix/word for "before", which is "ante-" in Latin, and the abbreviation for "before" is a lower case letter "a" with a line over the top of the letter.

Other related words and abbreviations are:

after adj posterior • adv post ( acc), postea; the day ~ postridie • conj postquam; the day ~ postridie quam • prep post ( acc ); ( in rank ) secundum ( acc ); ( in imitation ) ad ( acc ), de ( abl ); ~ all tamen, denique; ~ reading the book libro lecto; one thing ~ anotheraliud ex alio; immediately ~ statim ab.

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Q: What is the Latin symbol for the Latin word after?
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