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It constists of 33 letters (capitals are followed by letter case): Аа, Бб, Вв, Гг, Дд, Ее, Ёё, Жж, Зз, Ии, Йй, Кк, Лл, Мм, Нн, Оо, Пп, Рр, Сс, Тт, Уу, Фф, Хх, Цц, Чч, Шш, Щщ, Ъъ, Ыы, Ьь, Ээ, Юю, Яя.

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Q: What is the Russian alphabet?
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How do you say the alphabet in Russian?

Cyrillic is another name for Russian Alphabet.

How many letters are there in the Russian Cyrillic alphabet?

The modern Russian alphabet is a variant of the Cyrillic alphabet and contains 33 letters.

Who uses the Russian alphabet?

Russian People

Are ther only 28 letters in the true Russian alphabet?

No. Actually, there are 33 letters in Russian alphabet.

What is the difference between the Russian alphabet and the American alphabet?

Russian has 46 letters and English 26 letter.

What Russian words have a q in them?

The Russian alphabet has no Q

Do you speak Russian in cyrillic?

English speaking people use the Roman Alphabet. Russian speaking people use the Cyrillic Alphabet. The A is the same. The B looks different.

How do you say excuse me do you speak Russian in Russian?

извините меня, Вы говорите на русском языке? (Cyrillic-Alphabet, Russian) izvinitye myenya, Vi govoritye na roosskom yazikye?(Latin-Alphabet, Russian) Excuse me, Do you speak Russian? (Latin-Alphabet, English)

What Russian words start with q?

There is not a "q" in the Russian alphabet.

What name is given to the alphabet used in Russia?

The Cyrillic alphabet for Russian.

What alphabet does the Russian language come from?

Russian comes from the Cyrillic alphabet. Many modern day Slavic countries and languages uses the Cyrillic alphabet such as Ukrainian and Belorussian.

What is the first letter of the Russian alphabet?
