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The advantage is that if there is a change in the environment - climate change, new pathogen, etc. - more diversity makes it much more likely that some members of the species survive.

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Q: What is the advantage of diversity within species?
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What is true about the gene pool and genetic diversity?

A diverse community is a community populated by people from many different backgrounds; differences in background such as social, economic, religious, ethnic, or country of origin.

What does the word biological diversity mean?

Diversity among and within plant and animal species in an environment. It means that each plant and each animal in an ecosystem is not exactly the same. If something like an infection or disease would affect a species, some would not be affected while the others would not.

How does the extinction of various species results in a less diverse ecosystem?

The diversity of an ecosystem is how many different species (or types of organisms) there are. If a species becomes extinct, then there is 1 less species in that ecosystem and there is less diversity. If more than one species dies out, then the diversity is decreased by more than one organism.

What are the three types of bio diversity?

Genetic Diversity: the sum of all the different genes in a particular species (species: group of the same type of organisms that can easily breed and produce offspring) -there are small variances in organisms of the same species (ie height, colour). These small differences can help the species to adapt to the constantly changing world. -may help survival rate of species (monoculture vs. rich diversity species) Species Diversity: variety of species and relative abundance to the species living together in the same area. Having the variety of species live together may contribute to their health and sustainability to the ecosystem. Structural (Ecosystem) Diversity: variety of habitats, the different species that live in that habitat, and the relationships that connect the different species together.

The measure that relates the number of species in a community to the relative abundance of each species is called?

Species diversity.

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Species diversity is the number of?

species of all six kingdoms living within an ecosystem.

What three patterns of biodiversity did Darwin note?

Divergent Evolution, Convergent Evolution, and Coevolution

Why is crossing over advantageous to species?

Crossing over provides genetic diversity, which means many different characteristics are given to individuals of a species. Therefore, if there is more diversity within that species, there is a higher likelihood of that species surviving, growing, and reproducing.

What is the variety of genetic material within a species or population is called?

genetic diversity

Give three types of biodiversity essential in preserving ecological systems and functions?

Three types of biodiversity that are essential in preserving ecological systems and functions are genetic diversity, species diversity, and ecological diversity. Genetic diversity is a measure of the variety of versions of the same genes within individual species. Species diversity describes the number of different kinds of organisms within a community or ecosystem. Ecological diversity means the richness of complexity of a biological community.

How is genetic diversity different from species diversity?

The main difference between genetic diversity and species diversity is that genetic diversity is the differences of DNA among individuals of a particular species whereas species diversity is the variety of species in a particular region. Ecological diversity is the variety of ecosystems in a particular area.Oct 30, 2017

Does bacteria exhibit genetic diversity within bacterial species?

Yes. This is why bacteria are becoming resistant to antibiotics.

Species diversity is the number of what?

species diversity is the number of species that live in one area (or ecosystem)

How is genetic diversity beneficial to species?

Crossing over causes genetic diversity. If there was no genetic diversity in a species, the species would be prone to extinction.

How is genetic diversity beneficial a species?

Crossing over causes genetic diversity. If there was no genetic diversity in a species, the species would be prone to extinction.

How is genetic diversity to beneficial to a species?

Crossing over causes genetic diversity. If there was no genetic diversity in a species, the species would be prone to extinction.

What is species diversity diversity?

Species diversity is the number of different species in a particular area weighted by some measure of abundance such as number of individuals or biomass.