

Best Answer

You're talking about the 'magnetic field', but you're not giving it enough credit.

It doesn't only exist in the space around the magnet, but it technically extends

out to infinity, whether or not you can feel it past a couple of feet.

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Q: What is the area around the magnet where the attraction or repulsion can be felt is the magnet's?
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What is the field around a magnet?

A magnetic field. where attraction and repulsion takes place around the magnet.

What ia a magnet?

Magnets are materials that can exert a force of attraction or repulsion on certain objects.Magnets can be strong or weak, depending on their internal arrangements.


The force that causes either attraction or repulsion by a magnet

What is the force of repulsion or attraction between the poles of a magnet?


A magnet is what type of force?

The force of attraction or repulsion between two magnetic materials.

When two magnets pull apart or push together it is called?

When the magnets pull apart they are attracting each other because, there is a South Pole of a magnet and a North Pole i of a Magnet. :)

What is the attraction to magnets called?

The word magnetic, or the word ferromagnetic refer to materials that can be attracted by magnets.

How does temp affect a magnets attraction?

yes temp does affect the strength of magnets. The cooler the magnet the stronger it gets.

Why does rust change a magnet's power of attraction?

The oxidation causes magnets to lose protons that are essential for magnetic attraction

All magnets have an area of attraction what is it called?

The Poles of the magnet.Poles are the tips or ends of the magnets where the strength of magnetism is great.The region or space around a magnet at which its force is experienced is called magnetic field.

On a magnet which pulls and which repels?

Parts that have the same charge will repel. Opposite charges attract/pull each other. So positive sides of magnets attract negatively charged magnets and repel positively charged magnets. Negative sides of magnets attract positively charged magnets and repel negatively charged magnets.

True or false that the further apart two magnets are from one another the stronger the forces that attract or repeal the magnet?

False. The magnetic force of attraction or repulsion between the magnetic poles is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the poles. So farther apart two magnets the force between them becomes weaker.