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technology-as discussed in chapter 15 of Essentials of Sociology 9th edition by Henslin, 2011.

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Q: What is the artificial means by which humans extend their ability to adapt to the environment?
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Traits selected by humans instead of the environment?

Artificial selection.

What is a human environment?

A human environment is a man made environment like a city.Pretty much anywhere. Humans have the luxurious ability to adapt, thrive, and live anywhere!

The ability to acquire food on a regular basis meant that humans?

had less control over their environment.

What type of Physical advantage enable early humans to adapt to their environment?

The ability to sweat profusely to stay cool

Human impact on the environment is often more dramatic than the impact of most other living things because humans have a greater?

ability to alter the environment

What harm does glass do to the environment?

Glass does not harm the environment per say due to its ability to be recycled and the fact that it gives off no harm full pollutants, but it does how ever have the ability to harm both animals and humans if disposed of in properly

Was sputnik an artificial satellite?

Artificial - as in made by humans - yes

Are humans artificial or organic?

Humans (same with animals, plants, and aliens) are organic, while robots and/or machines are artificial.

What does artificial?

the things which are created by humans is called artificial things, example robots

How do humans affect artificial selection?

Humans directly affect artificial selection. They do this by selecting the specific traits that they prefer which they cannot don in a natural selection.

Explanation of Natural and Artificial Selection?

Artificial selection is when humans select traits, such as color or taste and breed for those traits. Natural selection chooses the creatures that are best able to give birth to more offspring, carrying on their genes. The environment chooses.

What separates humans from artificial intelligence?

Human brain processing power is way more than AI. This separates humans from Artificial Intelligence.