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intelligence Interval Cognitive Designation 40 - 54 Severely challenged (Less than 1% of test takers) 55 - 69 Challenged (2.3% of test takers) 70 - 84 Below average 85 - 114 Average (68% of test takers) 115 - 129 Above average 130 - 144 Gifted (2.3% of test takers) 145 - 159 Genius (Less than 1% of test takers) 160 - 175 Extraordinary genius

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Well, 100. The "Quotient" in "Intelligence Quotient" depends on age, to be able to compare intelligence of people of different age by their IQ.

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Sharply Declining.

But the national average is 90.

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Q: What is the average IQ of a 28 year old male?
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Is an IQ score of 128 for a 4 year old good?

It is significantly above averageIQ is considered to be invariant with age. Thus it is expected that if tested repeatedly at various ages he would continue to test at about 128 plus or minus a few points each time.128 indicates your 4 year old is capable of handling ideas 28% above his average age group, in other words at this time that of average 5 year olds.However, remember that the only thing proven about high IQ scores is they indicate an ability to score high on IQ tests.

Is 135 a good IQ test score for a 28 year old male?

Average IQ is always 100. ----------------------------------------------------------- That means you are SMART! That is, if you took a REAL Ph.D certified I.Q. test, and there are many scams out there. So don't get too confient yet. Also, I.Q. is subjective. I know people with ">130 I.Q. s" that always ask me what 9 times 8 is, and other things like that. Intelligence tested in I.Q. tests are problem solving skills, and there are many kinds of smarts. Book smarts, and street smarts. Both are essential for a sucessfull life in the workforce.

Left handers are smart or not?

Left handed people are smart just like you or me. They are average people with the ability to write with their left hand. There are a lot of people in the world right handed but a few are lucky to be left handed. 3/28 people can be left handed. So they are smart if they want to be.I, as a left-hander, agree with the above. Some cultures find it hard to accept that left-handedness is normal.

How many out of how many teens make suicide attempts?

In 2005, there were 4,212 "youth" suicides. Youth applying to those aged 15 to 24, and the suicide rate of that age group was 10. My source of information appears to only give the rate of successful suicides. Only one in four suicide attempts is made by males, but one in five successful suicides is by females. See the link beow for more information.

What are the physical and intellectual and emotional and social developments of a 19 to 28 year old?

Physical: Going from 19 to 28 will have few physcial differences during the duration of the time. Since most people are done most of their growing by around the ages 15-20, not much else will happen from then on, unless you gain or lose weight, or something of the sort. Emotional: This is probably where the most significant changes will occur - especially in men. Since men mature later on in life then woman, many men are not fully matured until around age 30-35. So, those eight years between 19-28 will have a lot of emotional changes. For women, too, since they're normally fully matured by around 25. You'll be more emotionally stable (ex. less likely to cry when frustrated, angered as easily, etc). You'll also be more serious about things and start to realize what you desire out of life. Intellectual: This depends on the person. You will gain more knowledge as you grow, since you obtain life experiences based on the things you do with your life. If you go to college/university, your intelligence will increase quite a bit. Even if you don't, your mind tends to be either more or less curious as you age, depending on the type of person. The more curious you are, the more likely you are to go out of your way to get more knowledge and expand your intellectual boundaries. Social: This is a fairly big change, too. Children, ranging from very young ages to about mid twenties, tend to be fearful of what people think of them, so they're shy or hide away. Some will even act out in order to hide who they truly are. As you grow older, though, you start to realize that it doesn't matter what strangers think about you. After all, how does it really affect your life? It's best to live life as yourself and not worry about what others think, otherwise you will regret pretending to be someone that you're really not. So, as you realize that, you come out of your shell around your mid-twenties (sometimes earlier, sometimes later, depending on the person), and so you'll start talking more and become more social.