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The average age for retirement of a dermatologist is 65.5 years old. Other specialties retire at different and varying rates.

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Q: What is the typical retirement age for doctor?
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What is the typical retirement age in the US?

The average age of retirement in the USA has been on the rise for the past two decades. The average age is now 64 for men and 62 for women according to the latest statistics available. However, people may retire at whatever age they choose.

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Most retirement communities allow people who are at least 55, though some only have a minimum age of 65. The average cost is usually $40,000 to $100,000+.

What is the average retirement age of a doctor?

65-74 there is not so you can retire whenever you like you can but no body is going to make you.

Usual age of retirement?

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A person retirement age determines when and how a person can access a persons retirement money. Retirement age rules vary from plan to plan and from country to country.

Do real estate agents retire?

Yes. They are also included in the age of retirement. Though retirement age vary on different states, realtor agents do have a level of retirement age.

What is full retirement age when born in 1955?

66yrs 2months

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