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CaCO3(s) --> CaO(s) +CO2(g) enthalpy is +178 kJ molˉ¹

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Q: What is the balanced symbol equation for converting limestone into calcium oxide?
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What is the balanced chemical equation for the decomposition of limestone to form calcium oxide and carbon dioxide?

CaCO3 give rise to CaO +CO2

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The balanced equation for Calcium Fluoride and sulfuric acid :- CaF2 + H2SO4 = Caso4 + 2HF

What is the symbol equation for limestone?

It is CaCO3, also known as Calcium Carbonate.

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If you are after the symbol equation it's: Ca(OH)2(aq) + CO2 --> CaCO3 The word equation is: Calcium Hydroxide + Carbon Dioxide --> Calcium Carbonate (Limewater) (Limestone)

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Firstly it has to be equalled to something to be balanced. But the Chemical equation for Sulphuric Acid and Calcium Carbonate is H2 SO4 + Ca CO3

What is Balanced equation for what happens when limestone is heated?

CaCo3+O2 -----> CaO2 + CO2 ************************** 2nd Opinion: Close, but no cigar. What you want is CaCO3 -----> CaO + CO2

Can you make a ion with calcium and fluorine?

Calcium Flouride Ca+3F=CaF3 (balanced equation)

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The balanced equation is 6 CaO + P4O10 => 2 Ca3(PO4)2.

Balanced equation of calcium carbonate while heated?

Ca(ClO3)2 ---> CaCl2 + 3O2 is the balanced equation when calcium chlorate is heated.

What is the balanced equation for the reaction of calcium and carbonic acid?

This equation is Ca + H2CO3 => CaCO3 + H2.

How does high temperature affect limestone?

At high temperature, limestone undergoes thermal decomposition. The word equation is calcium carbonate decomposes when heated to calcium oxide and carbon dioxide. The chemical equation is CaCO3 + heat --> CaO + CO2.

What is the balanced equation for the reaction of sulfuric acid with calcium oxide?

This equation is CaO + H2SO4 = CaSO4 + H2O.