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Q: What is the collective noun for geese flying closely together?
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What is the collective name for a flock of geese when not flying?

a gaggle

What are the collective nouns for geese grapes and wolves?

The standard collective nouns for geese are 'a flock of geese' or 'a gaggle of geese'. When geese are in the air they are also referred to as skein, team, wedge, or plump of geese. The term plump is only used when the birds are flying in close formation and the term wedge is derived from the V-formation. The collective nouns for grapes are 'a cluster of grapes' and 'a bunch of grapes'. The collective nouns for wolves are 'a pack of wolves' and 'a route (rout) of wolves'.

What is the collective for geese?

Geese is actually the collective term for goose.

What is the Collective term for geese?

Geese is actually the collective term for goose.

What do you call a group of flying geese?

A gaggle of geese.

What is the word for a group geese?

If on the ground, it is a gaggle of geese If flying, they are called a skein. (Other names sometime used are a team, or a wedge. When flying close together, they are called a plump.)

Collective noun in a simple sentence of geese?

The most common collective nouns are flock of geese or a gaggle of geese.When geese are in the air they are also referred to as skein, team, wedge or plump of geese.The term plump is only used when the birds are flying in close formation and the term wedge is derived from the V-formation the geese fly in.

What is the collective none of geese?

Geese is the plural name for a singular goose.

What is the flight of geese called?

a group of flying geese is called skein. geese flying in a 'V' formation is called wedge.

What are the characteristic of geese?

Geese are large birds that have migratory instincts. In clans, geese form a "V" shaped pattern while flying across the sky. In pairs, geese raise family together and display affection as well as concern for other geese.

What is a 6 letter word for a group of geese?

The collective noun is a gaggle of geese.

What is the plural of flying geese?

It already is plural, geese is the plural for goose, so their is more then one flying.