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Henry Clay and President Andrew Jackson were the main players in the compromise of 1833. The compromise was in response to conflicts between the federal government and South Carolina over taxes.

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The compromise of 1833, also called the Tariff of 1833, was a bill proposed to resolve the Nullification Crisis. It gradually reduced tariff rates after southern states objected to previous tariff bills.

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Q: Who helped negotiate both the Compromise of 1820 and the Compromise of 1850?
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Who created the compromise if 1820 and 1850?

Henry Clay was the one who drafted the compromise of 1850 and the Missouri compromise of 1820.

Who was the author of the Missouri compromise of 1850?

The Missouri Compromise was not 1850 but 1820, and it was engineered by the politician Henry Clay. It was also Clay, in his old age, who was called out of retirement to engineer the Compromise of 1850.

Who helped in The Missouri Compromise and the compromise 1850?

Henry Clay

What year did the us add northern Maine?

It became the 23rd US State on 15 March 1820.

What provisions in the Missouri Compromise of 1850 helped ease the conflict over free and slave states between the north and the south?

The terms of the Missouri Compromise of 1820 were effectively overridden with the Compromise of 1850, which opened the territories of Utah and New Mexico to settlement by slave owners as well as those who did not own slaves. One part of the new Compromise was the establishment of the Fugitive Slave Act which helped escaped slaves be returned to their "owners".

The compromise of 1850 admitted Maine as a free state true or false?

False. Maine was admitted in 1820.

What date was the Missouri Compromise of 1850?

The Missouri Compromise, which prohibited slavery in the former Louisiana Territory north of the 36°30' N parallel except within the boundaries of the proposed state, was part of the law passed on March 6, 1820 admitting Missouri as the 24th state in the Union.

What did the Missouri Compromise of 1820 and the Compromise of 1850 settle conflicts between the North and South over?

it caused slavery to expand in to the north.

What compromises did the north and south reach?

The compromises that the Northern and Southern states reached were the Great Compromise and the Three-Fifths Compromise.~A.K. =)

What are 5 compromises and laws passed aimed at avoiding the civil war?

Missouri Compromise of 1820 Compromise of 1850 (including Fugitive Slave Act) Kansas-Nebraska Act Crittenden Compromise

Which leader in congress helped to create the Missouri compromise the compromise of 1850 and the resolution of the nullification crisis?

The leader in Congress who helped to create the Missouri Compromise was Henry Clay. Furthermore, with the support of Daniel Webster, Clay set up the plan for the Compromise of 1850 and the resolution of the Nullification Crisis.

Why did the democrats praise the legislative compromises of the early 1850s?

Not only the Democrats, but all parties to the Missouri Compromises were in favor of the two compromises. Of course there is always a group of people who opposed them. The two compromises were in 1820 and 1850. The purposes of the compromises was to keep the number of free states and slave states equal. The 1820 Missouri Compromise was the work of Henry Clay was the Senator that helped make the Compromise a reality. This compromise worked. Later in 1850, when national figure, Democrat Stephen A. Douglas, put through the second Missouri Compromise. He was a prominent national Democrat.