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my pillow ate me so i have no clue sozx

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Q: What is the connection between Hinduism and Indian traditional music?
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Does Hinduism unite or divide Indian Culture?

yes Hinduism divides Indian Culture

What is Hinduism and where did it start?

Hinduism is one of the Dharmic / Indian Religions and it started in India.

How did Hinduism develop as a region?

indian leaders were considered to be gods and they were astablished to be hinduism.

How did the Indian government change Hinduism?

the government banned many of the taboos and superstitions in Hinduism. This drastically changed Hinduism.

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well the aryan and the indian cultures belnded, as the result it might be vedic, buddhism,hinduism, or christianity

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in Indian subcontinent

How did Buddhism response to the social order Hinduism placed on Indian society?

Hinduism was the backbone of Indian soceity. Than after Buddhism was founded by Lord Buddha and changed the path of Indian society.

Is Islam the major religion of the Indian Subcontinent?

No. Hinduism dominates the Indian subcontinent.

Sanatan Dharma being the original Indian religion then what is Hinduism?

Sanatan dharma is the part of Hinduism..