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they use their sharp beaks and hard shell

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How do sea turtles use there shell?

sea turtle use there shell to fend off predators

What are the the sea largest sea turtles?

The largest sea turtles are the leatherbacks

Are there movies with sea turtles?

Besides the free movies for classroom use, there is the Audubon video called Sea Turtles: Ancient Nomads

Do sea turtles or land turtles have sronger shells?

sea turtles

What part of the body do sea turtles use to walk?

Their legs

What do turtles use their claws for?

Turtles use their claw to rip apart vegetables and fruit. They are also used to borrow in the dirt.

What salinity does sea turtles live in?

SEA turtles. Yes.

How male sea turtles get girl sea turtles to like them?

guy turtles get girl sea turtles by biting their viginas and suck their penisas

How do green sea turtles use their shell?

like every other turtles they use their shells for camouflage, to hide, and to protect their selves from praetors.

Are there turtles in the Irish sea?

Yes, there are leatherback sea turtles in the Irish Sea.

Why do sea turtles swim in the sea?

Sea Turtles swim in the sea because they eat fish.

Why are sea turtles mammals?

Sea turtles are not mammals, they are reptiles.