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A covered medical expense is an event/procedure that your insurance company will pay for, in full or in part (perhaps with a co-pay or deductible). Uncovered expenses are things you're expected to pay out of pocket.

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Q: What is the definition of covered medical expense?
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What is a covered expense?

A covered expense is an expense paid for usually by a company for their customers or a business for their employee. Covered expenses are a benefit defined by the company.

How does medical expense insurance differ from disability income insurance?

Medical expense insurance: Covers some or all of the out of pocket expenses paid by the insured for covered medical expenses. Disability insurance: Makes up for some or all of the income lost during the disability of the insured.

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It's a medical expense.

Is a copay considered a unreimbursed medical expense in a child support case If so should't a deductible be?

In most cases, a copay is un-reimbursable and the copay is un-reimbursable. It is ultimately up to the judge to decide what medical expenses are covered and not covered through the child support or custody case.

What is the definition of a regular expense?

Something that you pay for all the time. -Gasoline is a regular expense for me.

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The definition of defray is "provide money to pay (a cost or expense)."

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Something that must be bought.

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The definition of the term bed debt expense, is when a creditor for example, has made every reasonable effort to collect the debt, but has failed to do so.

What is Medical coverage?

It is when you are covered with medical expences.

Is acupuncture fees a deductible medical expense?

Yes, to the degree your medical expenses are deductible

What help do you have if a surgery error caused medical issues later?

Lawsuit for medical malpractice - at your expense.

Can a person receive SSDI regardless of income?

To qualify for Social Security disability benefits, you must first have worked in jobs covered by Social Security. If your job is covered, then you must have a medical condition that meets Social Security's definition of disability.