

What is the definition of direct cost?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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These are those costs which are necessar for production of goods and without these costs it is not possible to manufacture units of producs to be sold.

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Q: What is the definition of direct cost?
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60000 + 30000 = 90000 = 60% / 60 = 1500 = 1% x 100 = 150000 = 100% X .4 = 60000 The above solution is incorrect. By definition, the conversion cost is the sum of the direct labor cost and the overhead. Therefore, if we assume x is the conversion cost, then x = 0.4x + 60,000. The solution is conversion cost = 100,000. Hence, the direct labor cost = 40,000. Note that the knowing the direct material cost is not necessary for the computation of the labor cost. I am really bad at math so i just have to think you are right on this one

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Direct cost is cost of product while direct costing is the process which study or accounts the direct cost allocation to products.

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