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I don't know which definition your looking so I will give you both: (1) a dark-brown organic component of soil that is derived from decomposed plant and animal remains and animal excrement.

Humus improves the water-retaining properties of soil, adds nutrients, and makes it more workable.

(2) It is also spelled hummus. a dish made with mashed chickpeas, tahini, oil, lemon juice, and garlic combined into a thick paste, originating in southwestern Asia

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Q: What is the definition of humus?
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No, Humus is made from dead organic plants and animals.

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No, humus is nonliving.

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No the have little humus

Is humus from Japan?

No. Humus was invented by the Ancient Egyptians.

WHERE humus come from?

Humus was invented by the Ancient Egyptians.

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