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The diaphragm in a fetal pig attaches to the abdominal and thoracic cavity. It is used to help the pig breath.

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9y ago

In a fetal pig the diaphragm belongs to the respiratory system. Before birth, the diaphragm is not strong enough to push air out of the lungs.

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Q: What system does the diaphragm belong in the fetal pig?
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Identify the major organs of the respiratory system in a fetal pig?

The major organs of a fetal pig's respiratory system are the esophagus, trachea, larynx, lungs and diaphragm. Non-organ components include the external nares, thymus gland and thyroid gland.

What structure divides the thoracic and abdominal cavitities in the fetal pig?

Diaphragm - same thing that divides it in all mammals.

Does the diaphragm function in a pig fetus?

No, the diaphragm does not function in a pig fetus. The pig fetus has no need to breathe prior to birth, it receives oxygen through the umbilical cord.

What systems does fetal pig diaphragm lead to?

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Where is diaphragm in the fetal pig?

Posterior to the lungs. This is assuming their back is dorsal and head is anterior.

To which system does the diaphragm belongs in a pig?

The diaphragm belongs to the respiratory system in a pig. The diaphragm performs its functions by expanding and contracting to regulate the air in the lungs.

What body system is the diaphragm of a pig in?


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What do the esophagus and trachea lead into in the fetal pig?

In the fetal pig, the esophageal opening is located dorsal to the glottis. The esophagus lies to the top of the stomach, in close proximity to the diaphragm.

What does the pancreas do in a fetal pig?

The pancreas is part of the digestive system in the fetal pig. The pancreas works with the gallbladder and the spleen to digest enzymes.

What is a rostrum of a fetal pig?

the rostrum is the snout of a fetal pig