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Faith of Christ simply means with God all things are possible in His righteousness and Holiness and in truth. And Faith in Christ means a trust you have in Him and set in Him that His power can only be made perfect in your weakness. You are weak and He is the only one who can help you overcome the dark side of you which have been with you since the begining! Don't worry He will help you just as He has helped many others in their weaknesses! He power is made perfect in our weaknesses. Where no one that has ever come into this world could go, He went because of you and I. We were all dead spiritualy thinking God was refering to the physical death whereas there was nothing like physical death then and then in the past we were all afraid to die physically in order to repent through it but Jesus came and had His faith that with God all things are possible and it was indeed possible. It was all finished and now our Salvation can only be achieved by having faith in Him and we don't truly need to die physically again in order to repent but to all things of this world and regain ourselves (Transformation). You may only die for the sake of the Gospel. Thanks

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The "Historical Jesus Movement"is an academic endeavor to figure out who the "real Jesus" (actually Yeshua - Jesus is a Greek name) was. The N.T. as we have it now has been altered by the Roman Church and they try to figure out which sayings were authentically and historically said by the Hebrew Rabbi that "Jesus" is based on. I'm not sure what you mean by "Christ of faith". "Christ" is not a name, it is the Greek term for the Hebrew title "mosiach" - the anointed of God. The concept of "Christ" as most Christian churches accept it today was begun in the second century A.D. under the church of Rome. Roman "Christology" (the religious dogma surrounding the person of Yeshua, Jesus as he came to be known by the Greeks and the Romans) became dominant through political power which culminated at the council of Nicea when Emperor Constantine declared a pagan-Christian blend to be the official religion of Rome. The Roman church was very powerful even before the Council of Nicea. These "Christians" martyred other Christians and destroyed their holy books, it wasn't just the Roman Pagans who were trying to control Christianity and Christians.

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11y ago

Using The Bible as reference they are one and the same.

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Q: What is the difference between the historical Jesus and the Christ of faith?
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