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The difference between fat and protein is that fat contains 4 element which is hydrogen , carbon, oxygen and nitrogen and ( sometimes sulphur ) but carbohydrates contain only three element which is carbon , oxygen and hydrogen .

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11y ago

In the world of food science, there is one very large umbrella category that includes both cholesterol and fat. That category is called "lipids." Unfortunately, this word isn't used much in everyday conversation. "Lipids" are defined as organic compounds that do not dissolve in water and that include fats, oils, waxes, sterols (including cholesterol), and triglycerides. Even though "lipids" is the correct scientific term for describing both fats and cholesterol, it's fairly common for people to say "fats" when they actually mean "lipids." So from this perspective, we think it would be fine to say that cholesterol is a type of fat.

Cholesterol is a very unique type of fat, however. Many types of fats have a fairly simple chemistry. For example, fatty acids (one very important kind of fat) are basically straight chemical chains. Cholesterol is more chemically complicated. Not only does it have chemical rings in its structure, but these ring structures have to occur in a very particular configuration. It's fairly complicated for our bodies to make this unique type of fat.

In a practical, dietary sense, there is one very basic difference between cholesterol and other fats. Most of the time when we talk about fat in food, we are talking about fairly large amounts of food parts that contain large amounts of calories. It's not uncommon for a fast food meal to contain over 50 grams of fat. These 50 grams of fat provide about 450 calories. This situation is very different from cholesterol. We almost never consume a food that has more than 1 gram of cholesterol, and we never get any significant number of calories from cholesterol. So in this respect, cholesterol is very different that other types of food fat. However, just because we don't need to worry about cholesterol in terms of excess grams and excess calories doesn't mean it isn't a type of fat with potential health risk. Excess intake of cholesterol can be a health problem in terms of our cardiovascular health, even though we now know that there is no simple relationship between dietary cholesterol and risk of cardiovascular disease, and that it takes more dietary cholesterol than we once thought to pose significant problems.

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14y ago

Lipids are fats, which act as insulation for your body.

Proteins are building-blocks of energy required by the body to make, repair and move almost everything contained within it: hair, muscles, organs, etc.

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14y ago

protein is a source of calories, there are four calories per gram of protein. So, too much protein can cause a gain of weight. Protein is important for building muscle and other body tissues. As far as fat loss goes the biggest benefit of protein is that, like fiber, it keeps you fuller longer. The real central concern with weight loss is that you must burn more calories than you ingest. All other approaches; low-carb, low-fat...etc. are just systems to achieve this goal. Just watch the calories and exercise an hour EVERY DAY and the weight will fly off.

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13y ago

it contains nitrogen

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Q: What is the difference between fat and cholesterol?
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What is fat cholesterol?

It is unhealthy cholesterol that makes you fat.

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The difference between them is that white fat is found in adults and brown fat is found in children.

What is the difference between Idl and hdl?

LDL and HDL both refer to cholesterol. The difference is that LDL is known and the "bad" cholesterol and "HDL" is known as the good" cholesterol. One may learn more about cholesterol at WebMD.

Does cholesterol free mean fat free?

No, not all fat is cholesterol.

What is the difference between 'no cholesterol' and 'cholesterol free'?

Something with no cholesterol has no cholesterol in it; something that is cholesterol free can either be free of cholesterol (and thus has no cholesterol - see above) or it has free cholesterol, in which case the level of cholesterol is indeterminate without further information.

Does cholesterol give you fat?

nope,cholesterol doesnt give u fat,fatty diet gives u cholesterol

In what food or types of food is cholesterol found?

Cholesterol is a type of fat. Cholesterol is found in all animal tissues. As long as you keep your daily cholesterol intake between 200-400 milligrams, you should be fine.

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crude fat is the fat with alcohol

What is a waxy fat-like substance that can build up in the arteries?

Cholesterol is a waxy fat-like substance that can build up in the arteries.

How many calories cause high cholesterol?

A calorie is a measure of heat (generated by eating) and cholesterol is a type of fat. There is no direct relation between the two.

What is the difference between full fat and fat free foods?

it is the ingredints