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It makes a person moody. Bipolar is caused by imbalanced brain chemistry. It is very treatable. There are three levels of bipolar. Some people have it much worse than others.


Narcissism makes someone emotionally abusive and self-centered. Narcissism is not treatable. Narcissists blame and manipulate constantly, and lie all the time. Mental health professionals advise LEAVING narcissists, because they will never be able to change their abusive ways - it's hard wired into their brain to not care. They are selfish, fly into rages if you question them, and must get their way.

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12y ago

The accepted rule of thumb would be to get a specific diagnoses from a professional. However bear in mind this could take decades to accomplish. Narcissists are notorious for evading a proper diagnoses and have fooled many a profesional into beleiving its their spouse that has the problem not them. You would be in too deep to do anything about it by the time she is diagnosed.

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11y ago

Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder where people have a huge sense of self importance and a deep need for admiration. It is common for them to believe they are superior to others and have little regard for other people's feelings. But behind this mask of ultra-confidence lies a fragile self-esteem, vulnerable to the slightest criticism.

Bipolar on the other hand is an illness in which people go back and forth from extreme highs and extreme lows. This manic depression is like a rollercoaster with constant ups and downs.

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16y ago

Of coursea bipolar person can be narcistic.

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No it isn't. A person can not transfer being bipolar to you and it's nothing you can catch.

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yes,i am bipolar and i have had a few good relashonships u have to find the right person.

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All people are inherently narcissistic. In order to overcome this, we search for desirable things that we're willing to sacrifice ourselves for i.e. love, money, careers, etc. So, yes, a narcissistic person can love, just like any person can love.

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This varies from person to person, but in general narcissists will take praise from whoever they can, which does not make narcissistic persons bad parents per se.

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i sure hope so. i am bipolar and i want to adopt because i was adopted

Is bipolar something a person is born with?

yes, it is.

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There have been accounts of narcissistic dogs so that is one example