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Hi, religion is that groups people around some Holly scripture.

While spirituality means you are simply trying to go over atheist level.

It means you are searching for something spiritual and you probably thinking about something higher, but you don't consider yourself member of any particular religion yet.

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Q: What is the difference between religion and spirituality and where you go after you die?
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Does religion fall under spirituality or does spirituality fall under religion?

I think that spirituality is a bigger category than religion; there are many that are "spiritual but not religious" whereas most everyone who is religious is also spiritual. So I'd say that "religion" would fall under "spirituality"!

How does religion and spirituality affect different people?

Religion is a kindergarten. It helps us grow in our journey to God, in understanding the purpose of life. It helps us to be happy, to overcome problems. Therefore, religion is essential. It helps us build faith, trust, hope and enthusiasm. But many of us live and die in the kindergarten of religion. As far as school is concerned, we go to college and university and we graduate, but where life is concerned, most of us die in the kindergarten of religion. We have to graduate in the university of spirituality. That will help us overcome our ignorance. That will help us realize the truth. This is called enlightenment. Spirituality is not a religion. It doesn't believe in any religion. It believes in the truth that we are not this body that will die, we are not the mind we cannot find, we are the Divine Soul, the Spirit, the Atman. This will transform our life.

Do you have to be religious to have spiritual sense?

No, you don't have to be religious to have spiritual sense. However, as a child, religion is a foundation. Religion is the kindergarten of spirituality. Spirituality is a university. As children we generally pass through some religion. All religions are good but we should not remain in the kindergarten of religion till we die. We have to graduate in spirituality, we have to realize we are the Divine Spirit. Once we realize the spiritual truth, we do not have to follow any religion. We can leave religion behind because we realize we are the Divine Spirit, the Atman, the Soul.

What is the relationship between religion and spirituality?

Spirituality is the core of every religion. The fact is the so called religions are dividing people but the meaning of religion is to bind or unite. The religions are binding or uniting a group of people causing divisions among people. If you practice the core values of any religion you are called spiritual. But if you practice superficial values you are tagged as religious. If you practice the teachings of the ancient saints and sages of any religion you are spiritual. If you practice the teachings of a book without judgement and discrimination you are called religious. The aim and purpose of every religion is to bind or unite with Spirit. At present the religions have forgotten this. Spirituality is the purpose and aim of every religion. Roots of religion and spirituality are one and the same.

Spirituality is Not Religion?

One of the common misconceptions about spirituality is that a person must subscribe to a particular religious faith in order to call themselves a spiritual person. In actuality, spirituality entails much more than going to church or believing a certain faith to be true. It is a feeling of being connected to something larger than yourself that can bring your life meaning and purpose. With spirituality, there is no right or wrong answer.

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go die

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