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Sanitizing generally involves removing the contaminants that would grow bacteria while sterilizing involves killing the bacteria. Food can be sterilized such as when milk is Pasteurized.

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Q: What is the difference between sanitizing and sterilizing?
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No difference, cross-contamination is when you cut raw meat on a surface and then cut fresh vegetables on the same surface without properly cleaning and /or sanitizing. Cross contact isn't real technical term - but it would mean the same thing.

What is the ramoval process of microorganism?

In industrial applications this is known as 'sanitizing', 'disinfecting' or 'sterilizing' via chemical treatment, heating, or exposure to ultraviolet light. In biology, the removal process is the body's immune system releasing T-cells or white blood cells to attack and kill the invading micro-organisms.

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Wash and rinse.

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