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The Trinity is exactly the same, ie. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

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Q: What is the difference between the Trinity in the Western and Eastern Orthodox church?
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What is the difference of religion between western Europe and russia?

Western Europe is majority Catholic whiel Russia is majority Eastern Orthodox. Both are branches of Christianity, however.

When is Eastern orthodox 2009?

Orthodox Pascha is April 19, 2009, one week after Western Easter.

Do Christianity and Eastern Orthodox have the same pillars?

Both the Eastern Orthodox and the Western Catholic branches of Christianity claim to have the same 'pillars' of religious foundations.

What denomination did The Eastern Orthodox Emerge?

You're question is a little unclear and could mean two things so I'll answer both. Why did the Orthodox denomination emerge? The Orthodox emerged when the eastern and western bishops excommunicated each other in a power struggle in 1054. The east became the Orthodox and the west became the Catholics. Who broke off from the Orthodox? There was no reformation in the east like there was in the west. There was the separation of the Coptics, but that was simply on their slightly different belief about the nature of the Trinity.

What is eastern orthadoxy?

The eastern orthodox is a religion that was developed in Europe when the ''Vandals'' as you might know invaded the western part of Europe. It fell into the dark ages. The Eastern Europe celebrated and worshiped eastern orthodox. This religion is Christian.

What is the basic difference between western and eastern institutions?

the basic difference between eastern and western institutions , is that eastern institutions worship the group while western institutions worship the individual

When was 2009?

April 12 by the Western calendar; April 19 by the Eastern Orthodox calendar.

What is the significant of the 1054 excommunications of the pope and the leader of the eastern orthodox church?

It formalized the split between the Eastern and Western churches.

What is the significance of the 1054 excommunications of the pope and the leader of the Eastern Orthodox Church?

It formalized the split between the Eastern and Western churches.

Why do orthodox christians cross themselves differently than roman catholics?

It is really a matter of tradition. Western catholics use the whole open hand ( five wounds of Christ) and often three fingers( 1st , middle, ring) for Trinity and cross shoulders left to right. Orthodox ( or Eastern Catholics) use the first and middle fingers and thumb (Trinity) and cross shoulders right to left.

What are the main differences between the Eastern (Orthodox) and Western (Catholic) churches?

The Eastern (Orthodox) and Western (Catholic) churches are the two main branches of Christianity. The Eastern Church is composed of national churches that are in communion with the Patriarch of Constantinople, while the Western Church is under the jurisdiction of the Pope in Rome. The two churches have different theological traditions and practices. The main differences between the Eastern (Orthodox) and Western (Catholic) churches are: -The Eastern Church uses the Byzantine Rite while the Western Church uses the Latin Rite. -The Eastern Church is organized into Patriarchates while the Western Church is organized into Dioceses. -The Eastern Church teaches that the Bishop of Rome is the first among equals while the Western Church teaches that the Bishop of Rome is the supreme Pontiff. -The Eastern Church is composed of national churches while the Western Church is composed of local churches 678217.

What was the result of the iconoclastic controversy?

Short answer: it was one of the causes of the split between the western and eastern Christian churches. The result of the split (schism) is the Catholic church (western) and Orthodox church (eastern).