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= What is the different between permanent magnetic alternator and alternator? =

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Q: What is the different between permanent magnetic alternator and alternator?
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Explain the difference between permanent and electromagnetic magnets?

In an electric magnet there is an ordinary metal used which when you run a current through it, induces a magnetic field, the permanent magnet (usually made of lodestone) contains particles which are already arranged in a manner that produces a magnetic field.

What is the relationship between the geographic and geomagnetic poles?

The magnetic Pole shifts continuously but the geographic Pole is a mathematically positioned permanent site.

What are the simalarities and difforences between an electro magnet and a permanent magnet?

Similar Each produces a magnetic field Each has a north and a south pole Different You can turn an electromagnet on and off. Permanent magnets are always "on". They are made from different materials Electromagnets require power. Permanent magnets don't. You can easily vary the strength of an electromagnet, but not a permanent magnet Some permanent magnets occur naturally and have been around for longer than humans have been. Electromagnets were not invented until the 1800's Electromagnets are capable of producing more intense magnetic fields than permanent magnets The names of some permanent magnets are more fun to say: neodymium-iron-boron Just thought I'd toss in that last one

What is the role of permanent magnets in a speaker?

The electromagnet is positioned in a constant magnetic field created by a permanent magnet. These two magnets -- the electromagnet and the permanent magnet -- interact with each other as any two magnets do. The positive end of the electromagnet is attracted to the negative pole of the permanent magnetic field, and the negative pole of the electromagnet is repelled by the permanent magnet's negative pole. When the electromagnet's polar orientation switches, so does the direction of repulsion and attraction. In this way, the alternating current constantly reverses the magnetic forces between the voice coil and the permanent magnet. This pushes the coil back and forth rapidly, like a piston.

Material which retains its magnetism after the source magnetism is removed?

Those are called permanent magnets. Due to their metallic property to exchange electrons between the atoms the material acquires a permanent one sided quantum spin, producing permanent magnetic field.

What is magnetic variation?

Since the Earth's magnetic poles are not located at the geographic poles, a magnetic compass doesn't point to 'true' (geographic) north. The DIFFERENCE angle between magnetic north and true north is the magnetic variation or declination where you are. It changes for different locations.

What does electromagnets do?

It is the joining of electricity and magnetic field, it is the study if the interaction between the two.

What is the difference between permanent and tepoary magnets?

Temporary magnets are created using an electrical field. Once the current is switched off, it is no longer magnetic. A permanent magnet on the other hand, such as the common Ferro-ceramic magnet remains magnetic all the time because it was manufactured with all of its iron particles facing the same way.

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What is the difference between alternator and generator and what do you use in power plants mostly and why?

The term, 'generator', can be applied to both A.C. and D.C. machines. An 'alternator' is specifically an A.C. generator. Power stations use alternators, because it is necessary to transmit electrical energy at high voltages, and this is done using transformers, which are A.C. machinesmain difference depends on magnetic field spin or fixed..."In an alternator, electricity is produced when a magnetic field spins inside the stator. In generator, the armature or windings of wire spin inside a fixed magnetic field to generate electricity"alternator use on smallscale production & generator use on large scale..